Friday, April 23, 2010

Get your Blog on!

Yesterday, in my Electronic Publishing course, there was a group panel: Rose Huber (blogger), Erika Shernoff (non-profit marketing director), and Adam Robinson (blogger and publisher). The panelists gave great insight about their experiences with blogs and electronic marketing. It was cool to see that blogging can actually mean something other than how many people visited your sight, that if you're lucky and persistent that maybe a career can spring from it. For example, both Rose and Adam mentioned receiving free stuff; I would love for publishers to send me books that they want reviewed (knock on wood). But knowing me, I would feel funny endorsing something that I didn't believe in. Anyway, I was very impressed with Adam Robinson's indie book publishing house, Publishing Genius (a few weeks ago, I wrote a post about his press, click here to read it). I hope to one day have my own publishing house, but it takes time, money, and energy. Distribution and marketing are essential to having a successful publishing house. If no one knows about your company or the books that you're selling, it's like you don't exist. Also, it was pretty cool to see how Rose's post, "The Ultimate Vegan Cuisine," was the top google search. So, as you can see, the Internet levels the playing field in a way. Just get the word out about your blog, and hopefully people will become interested, and then you can become a famous blogger, right?

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