Thursday, April 1, 2010

So you want to write, right?

Am I kidding myself? Who in his right mind wants to be a writer? Being a writer means keeping up the fight even when you hear the word, no, no, and no continuously. It's about submitting your work to journals, and journals, and journals just to get a cute little note that says, "Thanks for submitting to our journal, but blah, blah, blah." It's about people thinking to themselves, "That chick needs to get real and get herself a real job!" It's about being in debt to pursue your dreams which involves selling your book that no one has ever heard of. It's about dreaming about being on Oprah looking fabulous, darling, but damn, Oprah is supposed to be off the air in a year! Anyway. What can I say to all these roadblocks? Am I supposed to fold like a jackknife or will I stand tall like a oak tree? Time tells all, kiddo.


  1. You'll be surprised how far perseverance can get you!

  2. i know what u mean about Oprah being off the air this year...i have a "writer's suit" that i bought at a vintage shop years ago to wear on Oprah when my book comes out. which it never has cause i haven't tried. i feel like i need an agent to help me sell my work but i don't even know where to start with you have any idead?

  3. Hi Anne,

    I recommend that you pick up the latest Novel and Short Story Writer's Market. Also, join a writer's workshop to ensure that your writing is at its best. Make sure your query letter is professional and direct. Don't become discouraged.

    aka Dreamer Girl
